
News & insights on staffing, transportation, and logistics.


New Guide: 2020 Staffing Trends

final 2020 staffing

Exegistics recently published a new guide, 2020 Staffing Trendswhich incorporates research and analysis around five key trends ranging from the power of leveraging military veterans in your workforce to utilizing data to predict your next new hire.

“With the shortage in skilled-talent and acceleration in technological advancements, companies need to expand their idea of what the perfect team looks like,” said Stephen Olds, Founder and CEO of Exegistics. “This new guide shares insights that we’ve gleaned over the past decade of working with companies and helping them make strategic staffing decisions that enhance efficiency, growth, and value.”

Our guide highlights five trends:

1) Adopting new technology changes & skillsets

2) Leveraging the advantage of a veteran workforce

3) Utilizing data to predict hiring & track outcomes

4) Improving supply chain efficiency to optimize your staffing needs

5) Embracing diversity as a new mindset

“The best way to find great people is to use multiple strategies, not a one-size-fits-all approach,” said Chris Randich, Director of Staffing Solutions for Exegistics. “Companies that embrace new and innovative ways to meet their staffing needs will attract and retain the best talent over time.”

To download the full guide, click here.
