
News & insights on staffing, transportation, and logistics.


New White Paper: Hiring Playbook

In a recently published Hiring Playbook, Exegistics offers six key insights to current staffing related challenges when it comes to hiring industrial manufacturing and warehouse positions.

Optimize Online Hiring

Phones and tablets have become more popular to both instigate and navigate the online job application process.

Create a College and Technical School Pipeline

Establishing relationships with local schools and training programs will widen your business’ future applicate pool.

Establish an Employee Referral Program

Offering a small benefit for successful assistance in recruitment will not only help bypass some phases of the hiring process, but it will also boost internal morale.

Train Future Leaders

Opportunity for advancement and growth is something everyone looks for in a new position. Supplying your current employees with the necessary tools and support will benefit everyone in the long run.

Utilize Veterans Groups

Our nation’s veterans are highly trained, and their experience and training often translate well to the manufacturing industry.

Provide Affordable Employee Benefits

These days, it is hard for smaller businesses to compete with major companies. Supplying little perks, such as food and coffee, can mean more to employees than one may think during these difficult times.

To download the full Hiring Playbook click here.
