4 Forces Driving Change in Logistics, Supply Chain and Transportation

driving change

Innovation and disruption are propelling the logistics, supply chain and transportation industry forward. In a 2018 Forbes Insights survey of more than 400 executives, 65% of respondents from across all major industries say there are “tectonic shifts” occurring in these areas. The survey outlines four major forces that are driving transformation: Technological Advances Half of […]

Tech Is Causing a Seismic Shift in Supply Chain – Is Your Business Ready?

seismic shift in supply chain

  New technology is a driving force and is causing a seismic shift in supply chain management and logistics. In a 2018 Forbes Insights survey, 65% of business executives across major industries named technological advances one of the four areas transforming supply chain, transportation and logistics operations. Rapid developments in technologies such as AI, blockchain, […]

New Video: Exegistics Supports Fortune 15 Logistics and Delivery Company

logistics and delivery forklift

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Exegistics Expands to Enhance Operations and Adapt for the Next Stage of Growth

Relocating Corporate Headquarters

Exegistics, a veteran-owned leader (VOSB) in supply chain innovation and third-party logistics (3PL) solutions, recently relocated its corporate headquarters to Chicago’s O’Hare Plaza to accommodate growth. “Exegistics has always been about innovation. We innovate processes and technology for our clients, and we realized we needed to innovate our own office space and corporate headquarters to […]

Warehouse and Operations Expansion in Four Markets

four markets

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